Doctors Set Up New Ebola Isolation ‘CUBE’ In DR Congo

Doctors at a medical center in North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic Of Congo have installed new treatment rooms called the CUBE, which allows doctors more hands-on care and allows family members to visit.

Ebola treatment units isolate patients in rooms where medical staff only briefly enter wearing “PPEs” or heavy protective gear but the CUBE will allow Doctors to spend more time with patients.

The Biosecure Emergency Care Unit allows health care workers to monitor the patient, check their vital signs and administer certain treatments and care from the exterior, without having to wear full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suits.

Family members can also safely talk with and see the patient throughout the course of treatment of the highly infectious diseases which thanks to the CUBE’s transparent walls. The Ebola outbreak in DR Congo has spread infecting more than 2,000 people and killing at least 1,500. .